Monday, June 13, 2011

Facebook and Twitter

Now we come to the most contentious part of Web 2.0 - Facebook

Some people love Facebook, some people loathe Facebook. Either opinion is fine.

Facebook has it's bad points, I'm not going to deny that. One of the worst is the fact that they set all privacy settings to public unless you change them to private. If you aren't aware of this you could soon be asking yourself how people you've never met know so much about you.

Like with all new technologies, the only way to avoid such pitfalls is to learn as much as you can about something before you join up. Spend a few minutes on Google and research anything you're interested in joining. Learning about other people's stuff-ups will help you avoid the same fate.

Now on to Twitter.

Twitter posts (Tweets) can be some of the most banal and yet hilarious things you'll ever read. People will post completely pointless comments about whether or not they decided to have fruit for breakfast this morning or perhaps they will let everyone know when they've arrived home at the end of the day.

And at the same time Twitter can give you access to some of the most amazing information. Whenever there is a crisis somewhere in the world, the twitter world will have the latest information on what's going on because it's being tweeted about by the people who are there, we're not waiting on conventional media for news.

If you can't get to a conference, you can bet that someone there will be tweeting about what's being said and you can listen in or even post questions that the speaker may answer.

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