Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oral History Podcasts

I think that a fabulous way to use podcasts in a library would be to do podcasts from the Oral History Collection.

Short little audio grabs of someone speaking about their life, or about something that happened in the Cambridge area in the past. Link that with a photo of the person, or a photo of the part of Cambridge they're talking about and it becomes a great way to connect people with local history.

Reading about a person or a place is one thing, but to hear someone speaking about their experiences can make history come alive.

1 comment:

  1. I think that would be a fantastic idea Casey, of knowing more abount people's lives growing up in and around the Cambridge area. My Dad grew up around here and he has some extremely funny stories, that I love hearing from him, of stories of how the 'dunny trucks 'would come down the back lanes and take the sewage away & God help you if you were on the toilet at the time when the truck came by... He has many interesting stories that would be great to pass on, and I'm sure lots of the older generation would probably love to do the same, to share their stories of growing up. bobbi brown.
